Do not use AutoHotkey (or anything else) to automate in-game actions.
Macros are a bannable offense in the client, in which 1 button/shortcut = 1 ingame action.
Outside the client you can do whatever you like.
- install AutoHotkey
- after it's installed, right-click your desktop, hover the cursor over New, and select AutoHotkey Script
- right-click the new file and select "Edit script" then paste and/or edit your script(s), then save the edits
- double-click the file to run it and you're set. A green icon with a white H will appear in your system tray
- hitting a key combo will run the associated script
Tripwire quick signature adder (click to show/hide)
ClipOld := ClipboardAll
Send, ^v
Sleep 20
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard,"(?m)^.{0,4}","")
Sleep 20
Send, ^v
Sleep 20
Send, {tab}
Sleep 20
Send, {tab}
Sleep 20
Clipboard := ClipOld
Sleep 20
ClipOld =
ClipOld := ClipboardAll
Send, ^v
Sleep 20
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard,"(?m)^.{0,4}","")
Sleep 20
Send, ^v
Sleep 20
Send, {enter}
Sleep 20
Clipboard := ClipOld
Sleep 20
ClipOld =
- in EVE: have the signature of your inhole as the only or the topmost sig in your clipboard
- in TW: double-click a sig in TW to edit it (cursor should be in the left ID field)
- hit Control + Alt + X
- sig ID fields will be filled & cursor will move to Type field
- add non-K162 Type & Save (hit Enter)
- if you already added the Type from the other side, you can use Control + Alt + C instead, which adds the sig & Saves
Tripwire system paster for manual input or ESI outages (click to show/hide)
ClipboardOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := Clipboard
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "<.*?>")
Send, ^v
Sleep 20
ClipboardOld :=
ClipboardOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := Clipboard
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard, "<.*?>")
Send, ^v
Sleep 20
Send, {enter}
Sleep 20
ClipboardOld :=
- in EVE: right-click a system name and select Copy
- in TW: put the cursor in the Leads field in an Edit Signature window and hit Control + Shift + X
- without this script you have to work around EVE's jank (either a trailing space or HTML formatting need edited out)
- trivial, but adds up when you do it 50 or 100 or 1000 times...
- Control + Shift + C does the same thing but sends Enter as well
- use this in the System Search field (magnifying glass) or in an Edit Signature window if you don't need to edit other data
dotlan range checkers (click to show/hide)
ClipOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard," (?=\S)", "_")
Sleep 20
Run, https://evemaps.dotlan.net/range/Ark`,5/%clipboard%
Sleep 20
Clipboard := ClipOld
Sleep 20
ClipOld =
ClipOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard," (?=\S)", "_")
Sleep 20
Run, https://evemaps.dotlan.net/range/Sin`,5/%clipboard%
Sleep 20
Clipboard := ClipOld
Sleep 20
ClipOld =
ClipOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard," (?=\S)", "_")
Sleep 20
Run, https://evemaps.dotlan.net/range/Lif`,5/%clipboard%
Sleep 20
Clipboard := ClipOld
Sleep 20
ClipOld =
ClipOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard," (?=\S)", "_")
Sleep 20
Run, https://evemaps.dotlan.net/range/Hel`,5/%clipboard%
Sleep 20
Clipboard := ClipOld
Sleep 20
ClipOld =
ClipOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard," (?=\S)", "_")
Sleep 20
Run, https://evemaps.dotlan.net/range/5/%clipboard%
Sleep 20
Clipboard := ClipOld
Sleep 20
ClipOld =
ClipOld := ClipboardAll
Clipboard := RegExReplace(Clipboard," (?=\S)", "_")
Sleep 20
Run, https://evemaps.dotlan.net/range/10/%clipboard%
Sleep 20
Clipboard := ClipOld
Sleep 20
ClipOld =
Usage: in EVE, drag a system name into a chat box, Control + A, Control + X, then Control + Alt + 1/2/3/4/W/E.
- 1 = JF/Rorqual range
- 2 = BLOPS range
- 3 = Carrier/Dreadnaught/FAX range
- 4 = Supercarrier/Titan range
- W and E show all systems within 5 or 10 stargate jumps
These replace spaces in systems names with underscores so the 16 systems with spaces in the names open proper URLs (otherwise your browser would replace a space with "%20").
zkill searcher (click to show/hide)
Send, ^x
Run, https://zkillboard.com/search/%clipboard%
Usage: put something you wanna search in your clipboard (e.g. a sus character/corp/alliance or a hull or hull class) then hit Control + Alt + Q.
Here's how to change the hotkeys to whichever key combos you prefer.
You can also make an AHK file run automatically when Windows starts.