unified account management portal based on email address (2FA required). auth accounts once then access/manage all associated accounts from one page
• ESI management of multiple accounts & characters is a needless PITA
spend more on making the ESI server functional, well-documented & stable (third-party tooling makes EVE much more enjoyable)
new Fleet window hamburger menu option: Flag Exempt From Regroup
new Fleet boss ship/class checklist which auto-moves selected ship classes to specified wing/squad positions.
"make default" checkboxes beside Skins and Emblems in Personalization window, wot do wot they say
more character-bound stats-derived Skins and/or Emblems which can be acquired no other way, e.g. "Anoikis Wanderer" = visit 1300 j-space systems, "Anoikis Wayfinder" all 2603, and so on
• the AIR Career Program already tracks several interesting stat & rewards Skins, but there are many more possibilities: PvP damage dealt, PvP kills, NPCs killed, HP repped, LY jumped, etc
play a warning sound if jumping into a system which is not onlined, or simply do away with this warning altogether and have the ship jump in once the system is onlined (DT crew checking in)
nearest and/or most-frequently-searched autocomplete suggestions for search boxes (at least for systems, stations/structures, ships, modules, items)
• optional display of current implants
• optional hotkeyable slots for boosters which can have boosters dragged into them from inventory
• ability to toggle a black background behind it (i.e. between skybox and HUD). some places are so bright that it's
hard to tell if modules are activated
give trade stations at Amarr, Dodixie, and Rens (or Hek) a small but meaningful reduction in sales taxes and broker's fees. can give Jita lesser discount, but spreading & localizing trade is the goal
• better solution: add 4 "commercial enclave" stations for each Empire, put one in the
most central system of each Empire region and give
them the discounts
more than 5 color options for corp & personal standings
make the
two-week "enforced peace" that comes after the surrender or loss of a war declaration apply to characters as well as corporations
• the peace can be circumvented by simply dropping corp & re-declaring war from another one; not much of an enforcement
changes to killmail mechanics:
• victims receive their lossmails (hereafter LMs) instantly. LMs show all ship contents but aren't pushed to to ESI unless victim pushes a button on the LM, at which point it is pushed after a delay
• players can tick an option in settings to auto-push all losses (they're still delayed, but player needn't click button on LM anymore for the eventual push)
• CEOs and Directors of corporations can see full LMs of all member pilots. maybe also new role called "SRP inspector" which also has this access
• final blow attackers receive a KM which is populated only with drops. slots containing destroyed mods/rigs are empty, and destroyed items from cargo and dedicated bays are not listed
• outside 1.0 space, all KMs and LMs only move to ESI (or show an external kill link)
after a delay: Empire = 100 seconds in 0.9 down to 15 minutes in 0.1 in 100 s increments; NS = 20 m; JS = 30 m
• if victim never pushes LM, the public KM never contains the full contents of the loss
Probe Scanner window:
• make hotkey-clicking and radial menu work on entries in this window
• persist scan results & ignores across client closures/launches
• make holding the warp/jump hotkey & clicking a warpable entry warp to it (as it does if clicking warpables in overview or in space)
• ability to drag saved probe formations into chats/notes & thus easily trade them
• ability to save all 100% scanned Cosmic Signatures to individual bookmarks with one button (could cap this to ~25 location or whatever, if local or server performance are issues)
• hotkeys for saved Probe Formations
• more than 10 saved Probe Formations - 20 would be nice
New Location window: more expiry options! 16 & 24 hours would be nice for wormholersbtw; an arbitrary option like 1-168 hours would be super-nice
increase character limit of bookmarks shown in the in-space right-click menu from 25 to ~50 (to be more in line with other such entries)
Solar System map:
• make hotkey-clicking work on objects in this window
• new button called
Focus Probes (focuses view on center of all currently-launched probes)
• associated hotkey would be ace (also: would be nice if holding the hotkey and left-clicking a warpable centered probes & view there)
• increase visual differentiation between Shared and Local bookmarks with color/saturation/size/whatever (
they look too similar)
• right-click option for "Center Probes on [object]" (also in overview and brackets in space). only for warpables like bookmarks, planets, beacons, structures, etc
• add POCOs to it
• allow filtering the objects it shows with dscan presets (would be much quicker than manually ticking/unticking things)
Locations window:
• ability to undo bookmark deletion (and/or a Recycle Bin sorta deal)
• button on bookmark folders/subfolders (like the current eye button) which makes contained bookmarks appear on the overview, complete with distance readouts
• make its Search tab list bookmarks in searched systems
in Route and general Search tool results: make systems sortable by gate/Ansiblex jumps from current location and by LY distance from current location
• if there's currently any Type not part of a saved Filter, convert vertical dot (settings) button to an orange ! which on hover says "Types missing from Overview; click and check Filters tab"
• Filters tab has a new box to the right of "Select filter to edit" which which lists "Missing Types" which are removed from the box when they're added & saved to Filter
• remove square brackets from Corporation and Alliance columns (precious wasted horizontal space)
• ability to customize padding between columns (wasted space)
• ability to add subtle alternating colors to uncolored rows (but dear Bob, don't add borders to rows & waste vertical space)
more hotkeys:
• Probe Scanner window: Recover Active Probes (currently only a UI button)
• Probe Scanner window: Reconnect to Lost Probes (currently only a UI button)
• Probe Scanner window: Center current formation on your ship (currently only a UI button)
• Solar System Map: Focus Current Location (currently only a UI button)
• set minimum non-zero speed (perhaps user-configurable)
• increment speed one position (eleven 10% throttle positions from 0% speed up to 100% speed)
• decrement speed one position
• increment speed by [user-configurable m/s]
• decrement speed by [user-configurable m/s]
make 3D rendering toggle persist across client restarts (like audio on/off does)
prevent CONCORD Rogue Analysis Beacons from anchoring within 500 km of wormholes
logi on killmails via (assistable) logi-only drone:
• big tank, no damage, 300 km optimal, ~5 s RoF, 1 m³, 1 mbit/s unique bandwidth. RR
amount-bonused hulls get extra 5 m³ bay & 1 mbit/s bandwidth + 300 km control range unique to this drone
ability to copy all names from Watchlist to clipboard and paste
linked names into a Notepad note, and vice-versa (and/or ability to simply drag multiple highlighted names from Watchlist to a note)
• alternatively/additionally:
Save Watchlist option in hamburger menu with associated window of reloadable saved watchlists (with option to overwrite dupe named WLs)
• bonus: saved watchlists repopulate DCs and new joins without having to do anything
• bonus: saved watchlists are tradeable via click-and-drag links
• bonus: also save color settings
increase character limit of Notepad notes
monospace font option for Notepad notes (would make tabular data readable in it)
ability to save & share multi-waypoint routes (e.g. click "Copy Route to Clipboard" button in Route tool and paste unique-colored link into chat/notepad; right-clicking the link gives "Set Route" option)
make "Add as First Waypoint" also an option for systems/stations/structures in chats/notepad/broadcasts/map. currently exists only via right-clicking a gate in overview or in space (or via 3rd-party apps)
in text input fields, make double-click select clicked word and triple-click select entire line (this is already true of Notepad notes & chat windows, but not e.g. search fields or the New Location "Label" field)
• on a related note, the ability to drag systems/characters/etc into the aforementioned text input fields would be very nice
make lists of Overview filter presets scrollable (right-click an Overview tab → Bracket Presets → Custom FIlters) because the menu containing them can easily be made taller than the screen
reduce lock range of all non-carrier NPCs to 300 km, excepting CONCORD/etc (ranges sensibly individualized to NPC roles would be better, but simply lowering all non-carriers to 300 would be ace)
reduce Mobile Depot reinforcement period from 48 to 4 hours
right-click option for modules in Fitting window called
Swap With which presents list of appropriate modules in cargo, item hangar or depot. left-clicking an option swaps the mods (and empties contents)
move bracketsAlwaysShowShipText=1 from prefs.ini into the client as a settings option (require restart if necessary)
add a 30-second spool-up timer for all Needlejack and Pochven filaments which prevents cloaking of outbound ships for the duration and prevent filament activation from deadspace
View Outside for NPC stations
nerf Ansiblex jump gates:
• reduce radius of Ansi models from 13 to 3 km to make them surroundable by a single dictor bubble like half of all normal stargates (commensurately scale down the model & collision geometry, too)
• if more nerfing is necessary, introduce Ansi polarization (allow only 2 Ansi jumps per x_timespan). could exempt some hulls from polarization (capsule, shuttles, industrials)
T2 shuttles: 0 cargo capacity & warp at 0.5 AU/s, but warp to zero when autopiloting
add inventory columns for "Blueprint Material Efficiency" and "Blueprint Time Efficiency"
add a folded corner (or something) to further visually differentiate BPCs from BPOs. maybe also add "copy" to the item name of all copies
allow contracting of Blueprints from Industry window's Blueprints tab
add "copying" to the
Advanced Industry skill's description so it reads e.g. "3% reduction in all manufacturing, research, and copying times" (the current description doesn't indicate that copying is affected)
non-audit log and non-password variants of station containers
right-click toggle option for containers in hangars called "Lock Against Repackaging"
• a "Hide from Inventory" option would be even better, so one can make sorting containers appear only only in the Index drop-down
ability to remotely split
and stack items via the Personal Assets window
ability to split stacks into arbitrarily-many stacks (i.e. "Split into x_number of stacks"). could cap or rate-limit this if it could be abused
uncap the number of rentable offices in NPC stations
• a cap on rental bills might also be in order; the rent is too
DAMN high! (that's assuming there's anything
to rent, of course)
Show Info window: add parenthetical duration of corporations' stays in alliances to their Alliance History tabs (to match characters' stays in corporations in their Employment History tabs)
change item-dispensing COSMOS-related sites so they provide x_items per day
per character (or use some other non-DT-only timing scheme). see e.g.
this one
• such mission-critical sites have been pilfered by bots for well over a decade now. they constitute a continuous low-level ISK drip feed to a few shitters
• COSMOS missions could use a lot more attention generally, but the ones gated by DT-replenishing items can be straightforwardly fixed
in the Reset Settings section of the Escape menu: disambiguate that hot mess and sort it reasonably!
• clarify & standardize! for instance, warnings of the type, "Always warn me if:"
• "I'm about to delete a saved Location"
• "I'm about to destroy plugged-in implants by death cloning"
• "I'm about to jump into EDENCOM-influenced territory"
• "I'm about to jump into Sansha-influenced territory in Low-Security or Null-Security space"
• "I'm about to jump into Trigavian-influenced territory"
figure out
what, exactly, we can't do while warping. make midwarp messages reflect in-game circumstances (e.g. "Jump command canceled/queued," "Docking request canceled/queued")
allow grouping of identical smartbombs (see also: remote reps/sebos/tracking comps, ewar modules)
two new right-click options for fitted hulls, both in the same section of the menu as (!) Strip Fitting: (!) Strip Fitting & Empty Cargo, and (!) Empty Cargo
ability to add more than one character at a time to an ACL (e.g. with CSV in clipboard)
ability to pre-populate the history (i.e. autocomplete fill options) of the Search tool with a list of characters/structures/systems/items (e.g. with CSV in clipboard)
• same thing for other input fields, i.e. the New Location (bookmark) window, Route tool, Contract window, Delivery window, Market window, ACL Add Members window, etc
• would be nice if the autocomplete fill options were just saved to a folder in \Documents\EVE (where screenshots and chat logs already are)
• fleet visibility lists (i.e. in the
Open Fleet to section of the Create Advert window, accessible ACLs become a tickable option)
• Fitting Management groups
• standings lists
• wallets [I know this'd be a PITA, but it'd be nice]
• hangars [I know this'd be a PITA, but it'd be nice]
bring starter filaments (T0 Tranquils) back to starter space (0.9 and 1.0 security) and push the rest further down.
proposed changes
option to enable an extra confirmation popup if destroying implants when death cloning. maybe the second warning plays the hull alarm sound and asks,
indicate warp invulnerability at the top-left. "unlockability" is a better term since one is actually vulnerable to AoE damage during warp (and during deceleration)
show remaining m³ available in cargo holds/containers and allow copying all these values to clipboard via right- or double-click. e.g. "3,419.27/13,05.78 (9,63853 remaining)"
buy DOTLAN from Wollari (or SMT from Slazanger) and integrate it into the client, or contract an astrometrist-cartographer to build them in-house. must be thousands of them looking for work, amirite?
ability to batch edit bookmark labels, perhaps with regex conditions (could have a separate interface for this so it can't be abused for lag)
• I realize this is a niche thing for hoarders & sellers, but it'd be an absolute
godsend for weirdos with many thousands of BMs (not that I
know any such people)
new Infomorph Diffusion skill. rename Elite Infomorph Psychology to Advanced Infomorph Diffusion. they expand the capacity of a jumpclone vat
• only 1 vat may be installed at any station/structure. ID & AID increase total clone capacity of vats, 2 clones per level (yes, total JC capacity per character increases to 20)
• Infomorph Psychology now increases the total number of vats which may be installed, one per level (one level remains accessible for Alphas)
• Advanced Infomorph Psychology removed & SP refunded. all characters can now have 1 jumpclone vat by default, 2 if Omega, for a new cap on vat
locations of 2 or 7 (currently it's 1 or 15)
let them ree. 15 is too many
Infomorph Regeneration skill: Omega only. requires AID level 4 (AID remains a 12x skill). enables a "Regenerative Mode" toggle switch in the JC window which, if toggled on:
• reduces the JC cooldown by an additional 180 minutes per level (for a new 4-hour minimum) at the cost of only having 3 vats available
• Regenerative Mode can only be enabled if 3 or fewer vats exist & prohibits installation of > 3 (diffusion capacity remains accessible up to trained cap). 4-month cooldown + 1 b ISK to swap modes
reduce uninteresting tedium surrounding skill planning:
• remove remapping and combine all attributes into a single
Neuroplasticity value at 25 points. keep implants/boosters at current values (SP/hour would be unchanged)
• if this isn't straightforward to implement, just giving infinite remaps would achieve the same thing
• remove 30% buy-and-inject convenience fee for skillbooks. could remove NPC skillbook sell orders and phase school-derived books out or keep them around
• sourcing of dropped and LP-derived skillbooks will remain unchanged
move all mission/anomaly/incursion popup text into Local chat, or make an option in settings to make this the default behavior
increase cost of Asset Safety. HS: 5% then 20%, LS: 10% then 35%, NS: 15% then 50%. could alternatively scale it based on lightyear distance of delivery
a more advanced corporation logo generator; something a bit less aughties. see also: all the old NPC faction & corporation logos (the new ones are cool, though)
modules, etc:
• add Synth Veilguard, exactly the same as current Strong Veilguard, except it doesn't apply to Covert Ops cloaks
• make Strong Veilguard no longer apply to Covert Ops cloaks. increase its Stabilized Cloak Duration Bonus from 200% to 2300% (new Stabilized cloak period of 6 hours for Strong Veilguard)
• give Strong Veilguard an unmitigable debuff: -99% scan res
• this way, users of non-covert cloaks who want 6-hour periods of cloak (replenishable without recloaking) must eat a scan res debuff for 6 hours at a time,
or choose the duration & recloaking risk of Synth
• remove instawarp burst jamming frigates from LS (and prevent the uncounterable tactic from moving onto instawarp Maguses, Cynabals, or Gnosises) by restricting them to T1 & T2 Battleships
• could alternatively give them a huge increase to agility modifier, mass, sigrad, powergrid and/or CPU reqs, but
• make Sansha's Nation rats drop shield tank modules instead of armor tank. convert all existing Sansha armor mods to those of an armor faction (e.g. Blood Raiders)
• related to the above: rename Intact Armor Plates to something which makes sense for shield tankers but also their role as a component in Armor rigs (e.g.
Molecular Alignment Harmonizers)
• give the Oneiros and Scimitar two extra mid slots which can only fit Remote Tracking Computers and Remote Sensor Boosters and a 15% reduction in activation cost per Logistics level
• introduce Remote Missile Guidance Computers (and hulls w/dedicated RTC slots can also fit them & get relevant bonus). these would require
far too much balancing work, but I still want them
• modules unique to underutilized faction LP stores which make those factions worth running missions for:
• Thukker Interdiction Nullifier, reactivation delay of 50 s
• reduce reactivation delay of T2 Interdiction Nullifier to 70 s. new Restrained variant at 85 s
• Nullifier Routine Stabilizer rig, grants passive nullification if a Nulli mod's onlined as well. 50 calibration, limit 1 per hull, drawbacks are -90% scan resolution, targeting range, cargo, and fleet hangar capacity
• old Chemo was unnecessarily spanked by the nulli changes; this would revive it and make travelceptors less tedious without overpowering haulers, non-chemo T3Cs or combat-fitted ceptors
• can have the Thukker sell blueprints for this, and BPCs only if you wanna keep 'em somewhat expensive
• Syndicate Interdiction Sphere Launcher with 16 m³ capacity, 50 second reload, 90 CPU
• Hypertrophied Warp Disrupt Probe, range 23.5 km (47 km diameter bubbles), volume 8 m³, HP 1,130. also from Syndicate LP, like Surgical probes. extra HP means top SBs need 1 extra cycle to kill them
• reduce volume of Surgical Probes to 4 m³. a Syndicate launcher will then hold 2 Hypertrophied, 3 normal, 4 Surgical or 5 web probes, whereas non-Syndicate launchers will hold 1/3/3/5 (as they currently do)
• Mordu's Legion Remote Missile Guidance Computer, Missile Guidance Computer & Missile Guidance Enhancer. these have increased velocity bonuses, but T2 equivalent for flight time and application
• Khanid Navy Remote Missile Guidance Computer, Missile Guidance Computer & Missile Guidance Enhancer. these have increased application bonuses, but T2 equivalents for flight time & velocity
• Khanid Navy Stasis Grappler. T2 stats except: 120 powergrid, 15 CPU, 10,500 m falloff. would fit Khanid brawly theme & mirror the Khanid web's stats
• Ammatar Navy Signature Radius Suppressor (since Minmatar are shield/armor hybrid tankers)
• maybe an Ammatar Navy Reactive Armor Hardener? because they wanna please their armor-tanking slaver overlords?
• give Meta 6+ Medium and Heavy Capacitor Boosters 40 and 160 m3 capacity, respectively, rather than the 32 and 128 of Meta 0-5 (if necessary, can increase their activation time a pinch to compensate)
new category of scannable wormhole site. 2 randomly spawn in these systems in
Great Wildlands,
Syndicate, and
Venal (50 in each, none within 2 jumps of other regions)
• named NPCs in 3 JFs guarded by appropriate hulls, near small structure which gives timered tether (2 minutes + 5 m cooldown). NPcs are in Thukker Mix, True Power, Intaki Commerce and Guristas
• JFs pay 1-10% extra for blue loot, red loot, and overseer's effects (randomized). JFs have deposit interfaces like Upwell structures with a readout that indicates the type of loot and the premium paid
• warpin (invisible beacon at zero on the signature) is 500 km above structure. site plays warning that structure offers temporary tether, and its tether has conspicuous countdown once it initiates
• moving outside tether range begins the cooldown, visible on the structure itself like polarization on a wormhole
• sites have an S199 and R943 opposite each other, 500 km from small structure. if rolled, they do not respawn. they can be bookmarked then warped to (like Pochven holes). sites are not deadspaced
• site names, respectively:
Thukker Wandering Caravan, True Slave Traffickers, Intaki Dealbrokers, Guristas Fences. scanning difficulty Level V (104 probe strength minimum required to scan down)
• sites live for 24 hours after the first warp is initiated to them and respawn 30 minutes after despawning
differentiate wormholes based on origins/destinations, increase some wormhole frequencies and add new wormholes:
• separate hole types which currently have multiple origin classes to allow more finely-tuned changes (thinking of e.g. event-specific wormhole distribution alterations):
• make S199 only NS → NS, N944 only LS → LS, B449 only LS → HS, Z971 only LS → C1, R943 only LS → C2, X702 only LS → C3, N432 only LS → C5, U319 only LS → C6
• eight new KS → JS wandering holes to separate the existing ones; five NS → C1, C2, C3, C5, and C6 and three HS → C1, C2 and C3 (same stats as their current equivalents; HS → C5/C6 already exist)
• new LS → NS wormhole to replace current LS → NS S199; +75% current frequency of LS → NS S199; same mass & transit as S199
• new NS → LS wormhole to replace current NS → LS N944; +25% current frequency of NS → LS N944; same mass & transit as N944
• new NS → HS wormhole to replace current NS → HS B449; +5% current frequency of NS → HS B449; same mass & transit as V283
• +8% S199 [as against current rate of NS → NS S199 only]
• +7% Z142, C248, E587 (C5/C6 → NS)
• +6% C140, C391, V898 (C5/C6 → LS)
• +5% five new NS → JS holes [as against current rate of NS → JS wanderers only], L031 (NS → Thera)
• +4% Z971, R943, X702, N432, U319 (LS → JS) [as against current rate of LS → JS wanderers only], M164 (LS → Thera)
• +3% N944 (LS → LS) [as against current rate of LS → LS N944 only]
• +2% three new HS → C1-C3 holes [as against current rate of HS → C1-C3 wanderers], R051, V283, M555, B041, T458 (HS → LS/NS/C5/C6/Thera)
• +1% A641, B449, D792, B520, Q063 (HS/LS/C5/C6/Thera → HS)
• six new static holes in Zarzakh; three to Pochven, two to tripnulls (C13) and one to shattered C2 (can make these spawn on beacons like Unis instead of needing to scan the Zarzakh side)
• Pochven: 1,000,000 tonnes of throughput, 410,000 tonnes max hull mass, 16 hour life, respawn timer between 10 and 30 minutes
• tripnull: 3,000,000 tonnes of throughput (regenning), 5,000 tonnes max hull mass, 16 hour life, respawn timer 60 seconds
• shattered C2: 1,375,000 tonnes of throughput, 375,000 max hull mass, 24 hour life, respawn timer between 10 and 30 minutes
• new reverse-static medium Thera → Pochven wormhole; patrolled by SoE in in Thera and Sleepers in Poch; can appear in any Pochven system; same mass & transit as C729
• new static Thera → JS C3-class wormholes to each class of JS (roughly according to prevalence, e.g. one C6, two C1s, and three each C2-C5) 500 k, 2 m or 3 m tonnes depending on destination
• two new holes associated with Sansha Incursions which occur in up to 5 pairs (1 per Inc.). 410 k tonne limit (i.e. Bowheads & smaller) and 10 m tonnes of total throughput. JS side camped by Incursion rats
• every active Incursion constellation always has the K162 of one of these holes in one of its systems (random). the named side is always in one of the 3 shattered Sansha C4s
• other hole of a pair always spawns on the same grid with its twin, ~1000 km away, and points to a random Stain system. the two holes share the one mass pool of 10 million kg, rolling & respawning as a pair
• any given pair stays together in the same C4 for the duration of the associated incursion. links spread between the C4s so you don't get one C4 with all five incs linked to it (max is 2 links per C4)
make the ~3700 Unicode emoji render in EVE =)