General things to know about EVE Online before beginning:

Specific suggestions for play, after you've created your first character:

  1. do the whole starting tutorial, and consider doing all the Career Agents' missions, too (they're well-made, give you useful rewards, and introduce you to most aspects of play)
  2. you can be a lone wolf if it suits you, but the best ship in EVE is friendship! here's CCP's guide to the in-game corporation finder, and here's reddit's EVE Jobs Board
  3. if you don't find a niche you enjoy, ask other EVE players for help! if you do find a niche, try new things every so often anyway; EVE has loads of depth
  4. various rules of thumb exist (these aren't laws; not following them might occasionally be the right course of action):
    1. don't fly what you can't afford to lose (i.e. it's better to keep a buffer of ISK/assets in reserve rather than blowing everything on a ship just to lose it)
    2. don't move lots of value in one ship, especially in High Security space, because you're likely to be suicide ganked there
    3. if you're making a big purchase, hover over the total cost and note that it's spelled out, e.g. 1.28 million or 4.56 billion (good mental check for if you're being scammed)
      • if you're unfamiliar with fair pricing, evaluators like Janice exist (beware: for low-volume items, evaluators are easily-gamed)

A few broad tips:

I list my own tools & resources and link to others here. My stuff's not all newcomer-oriented. is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. EVE Index. If you found something here useful, Jambe N'det appreciates gifts (Fedos, Spiced Wine, ISK, etc). EVE Online and the EVE logo are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights reserved. Full copyright notice.