There are 1027 known systems with Jove Observatories, but these are player-reported (please get in touch if you find one not on the list).
They're fairly evenly-distributed around KS, varying from ~14 to ~22% coverage. If you want to sort regions by JO count, do so here, at the right of the first table.
Unidentified aka Drifter wormholes spawn in 1023 of these systems (the four JOs in Pochven seem to be inactive).
EmpireNS B-MNS O-W
Aridia (12)Branch (22)Oasa (16)
Black Rise (12)Cache (9)Omist (13)
Derelik (26)Catch (21)Outer Passage (20)
Devoid (13)Cloud Ring (11)Outer Ring (8)
Domain (37)Cobalt Edge (15)Paragon Soul (7)
Essence (13)Curse (6)Period Basis (7)
Everyshore (9)Deklein (12)Perrigen Falls (23)
Genesis (18)Delve (11)Pochven (4)
Heimatar (12)Detorid (28)Providence (15)
Kador (17)Esoteria (18)Pure Blind (13)
Khanid (20)Etherium Reach (15)Querious (16)
Kor-Azor (10)Fade (3)Scalding Pass (22)
Lonetrek (16)Feythabolis (18)Stain (25)
Metropolis (31)Fountain (26)Syndicate (19)
Molden Heath (10)Geminate (18)Tenal (14)
Placid (13)Great Wildlands (20)Tenerifis (19)
Sinq Laison (23)Immensea (11)The Kalevala Expanse (15)
Solitude (10)Impass (10)The Spire (14)
Tash-Murkon (24)Insmother (26)Tribute (10)
The Bleak Lands (7)Malpais (22)Vale of the Silent (22)
The Citadel (16) Venal (15)
The Forge (15) Wicked Creek (15)
Verge Vendor (9) 

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