- NEVER undock a ship which has PLEX, Skill Extractors, Skill Injectors or Skin licenses inside it unless you intend to give them away by dying
- if you pick PLEX from a wreck or can out in space, put it straight into your PLEX vault. if it's the other stuff, dock ASAP and leave it there to be used/sold later
- the PLEX Vault is shared between all characters on an account and can be drag-and-dropped to and from remotely
- skill Extractors/Injectors and Skin licenses can be activated remotely via the Personal Assets window (default shortcut is Alt + T)
- skins can vary in value from essentially worthless to tens of billions of ISK, but it's generally best to simply not carry them around
- for old players who learned to deathclone via self-destructing their pods out in space: this is now unnecessary
- while docked in either an NPC station or a player-owned structure, open the Character sheet (Alt + A), select the Character tab then the Home Station subtab, then use the Self-Destruct button
- this is truer the more wealth you have: don't keep most of your stuff on one account or character. especially try to minimize what's stored on your most frequently-used characters
- that way, if you fall for a scam or fat-finger an order or contract, your loss will be limited. do not trust your future tired/drunk/distraught/drugged self with the sum total your EVE assets!
- you can click & drag Systems/Constellations/Regions/Stations/Structures, Shared Bookmark Folders, Ship Fittings, User Interface Pointers, and Characters between chat windows and Notepad Notes
- you can also highlight all such links, right-click the text entry field containing them, and select Copy Selected With Formatting
- you can then paste this into an out of game text editor (e.g. Windows' ancient Notepad) and exchange that content with others (put in your forum/Discord guides, etc)
- as demonstrated, such content mostly can't be pasted back into chat input boxes, but it can always be pasted into Notepad notes (and can be dragged from Notes into chat)
- also, you only need to paste link codes themselves, not the formatting stuff (i.e. the stuff between & including an <a href="[stuff]"> and an </a>)
- you can drag Systems, Constellations, Regions, Stations/Structures and Factions/Alliances from the top left into chats/notes
- names from chat Member Lists can also be thus dragged. also, any portrait in the Show Info window can be thus dragged
- fleet watchlist trick: you can select all the character names in any chat box (left-click one then hit Control + A) then drag them into the Watchlist
- all the characters in that chat who are also in your fleet will be added to the WL
- this can be useful if you're in a big fleet & don't want to add every person
- if you're in e.g. a dedicated Logi and/or Links channel, you can drag only those pilots into your WL.
- you can split stacks of items remotely in the second page of the Create Contract window
- right-click a stack of hulls/items in the Personal Assets window and select Create Contract. click Next, then right-click the stack in the Pick Items subpage and select Split Stack
- handy if you need to contract one or several hulls/mods from a large packaged stack of them
- you can hold down your DScan shortcut key (V by default) and left-click Anomalies in the Probe Scanner window. The camera won't orient towards them, but they will be DScanned
- you can also do this with objects in space, on the overview, or in the Solar System map; these three will orient the camera toward the object
- Pochven's Border filaments let you quickly get to Jita from anywhere in K-Space, and if you just need to dock up quickly, its Perun filaments always put you in a system with an NPC station
- note: you need > -0.05 standings with the Triglavian Collective to dock in Pochven's NPC stations
- every hull you use should have at least a Border & Perun filament, and maybe also an Extraction if you're unpoor (they're more expensive & not strictly necessary)
- for fleets, you can give filaments to a dedicated hauler/scout
- if you're camped into NS with valuable loot and you didn't heed the above advice, you can deposit cargo in any player-owned structure regardless of whether you can dock there
- be within 9,999 meters of a structure, right-click it, select Open Cargo Deposit, drag items from your hangar into the window, and left-click Transfer
- you can then use Asset Safety to yeet the loot to LS. you can retrieve it 25 days later for a 15% fee. discover which system Asset Safety will punt your items to with this handy tool
- if you carry a Mobile Depot you can also take off valuable mods and yeet them into Asset Safety (supposing you can avoid being probed down). if you know you're gonna die, why not?
- you can create deep safespots in a system (KS, JS or Pochven) by entering Abyssal Deadspace there and surviving until downtime
- if searching Personal Assets for a hull (e.g. "Falcon") produces nothing despite your certainty, try prepending "type: " to the search (for "type: Falcon")
- more broadly, the Advanced Search functions are very useful here you can see all inventory groups (drill down for more granularity)
- you can make Avalanches, Bowheads, and all caps/supercaps (including Titans) enter warp in 10 seconds. the non-freighters can also warp in 2 or 3 seconds w/a bit more faff
- I leave this as a Pyfa exercise for you: use some combination of Inertial Stabilizers and a 500MN (for 10 s) or 50000MN (for 2/3 s) MWDs
- regarding the 50k MWD fits: use an alt to scram it at the appropriate time & chuckle sensibly as it warps away
- note: it's less faff to do this on supercaps than regular ones
- with regular caps, you'll have to position & fly your scrammer so it also moves out of scram range at the correct time
- supercaps' warp core strength mean this is irrelevant for them (once their MWD shuts off they'll enter warp unless they're bubbled or HIC-tackled)