You can save the location of (and thus warp to) combat or core scanner probes by right-clicking them, and you can manipulate their locations on grids.

  1. open Probe Scanner and Click "Launch Pinpoint Formation"
  2. set formation to its smallest size
  3. click "Center current formation on your ship" button in Probe Scanner window
  4. with focus on Solar System Map window: hold Control and furiously spin your scroll wheel down for ~20 rotations
  5. click ANALYZE. now at least one probe remains on-grid (in "Pinpoint" formation, one probe is at the exact center of the eight)
  6. if the other seven probes don't show up elsewhere on-grid, repeat the process of Control-scrolling down in the SSMw and ANALYZing until they do
  7. once they're on grid and in a uniform configuration, keep scrolling (up or down) in small or single wheel-tick increments and re-ANALYZing to get useful formations
  8. save useful formations for future re-use (there's a "Save Current Formation" button)

Remember: other people can save your probes' locations, too!

This makes having a Core Probe Launcher in a utility high slot even more useful (and don't forget sixteen core probes in cargo).

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