These skills decrease time to warp:

These fittings decrease time to warp:

These drugs decrease time to warp:

Nomad implants decrease time to warp:

The Evasive Maneuvering Command Burst charge decreases time to warp when discharged. However:

These fittings may either increase or decrease time to warp, depending upon the situation:

Armor plate modules increase time to warp:

The Statis Webification effect can:

  1. have no effect on TTW: if you're at a dead stop, being (continuously) webbed doesn't alter TTW
  2. increase TTW: if you're being webbed and don't have 75% max velocity towards your warp vector, TTW will increase if the webification stops (you'll have to keep accelerating for longer)
  3. decrease TTW: if you're unwebbed and have ~5-35% of max velocity before being webbed, you'll enter warp instantly on being webbed

The Black Hole system effect effect increases time to warp:

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