These skills decrease time to warp:
- Evasive Maneuvering improves agility for all ships
- Spaceship Command improves agility for all ships
- Advanced Spaceship Command improves agility for all ships requiring the skill (freighters, jump freighters and capitals)
- Armor Layering reduces the mass added to hulls by armor plates, thus marginally improving their time to warp if such plates are onlined
- Amarr Hauler improves agility for the Sigil
- Caldari Hauler improves agility for the Badger
- Gallente Hauler improves agility for the Nereus
- Minmatar Hauler improves agility for the Wreathe
- ORE Freighter improves agility for the Bowhead
These fittings decrease time to warp:
- Inertial Stabilizers (low slot)
- Nanofiber Internal Structure (low slot, less agility boost than istabs but with no sig radius bloom; also increases subwarp speed)
- Low Friction Nozzle Joints (rig slot)
- Polycarbon Engine Housing (rig slot, less agility boost than nozzle joints but also increases subwarp speed)
These drugs decrease time to warp:
- Quafe Zero Green Apple - given out during events and as Twitch drops
- Halcyon G-[X] - these were once given out as random login rewards, but not anymore. other Halcyon boosters have been given as Twitch drops
- AIR Agility Booster II - one of these account-bound drugs is given out to any character that jumps 100 stargates as part of the AIR Career Program
- limited-time agility-enhancing drugs are sometimes available during events (these are different than QZGA, which does not expire)
The Evasive Maneuvering Command Burst charge decreases time to warp when discharged. However:
- Command Burst use gives the activating ship a weapons timer, preventing stargate or Ansiblex jumps for 60 seconds
- Command Burst bonuses are temporary, lasting 60-135 seconds, and do not persist across stargate, Ansiblex, or wormhole jumps
These fittings may either increase or decrease time to warp, depending upon the situation:
- afterburners and microwarpdrives (mid slot, only if active, also increases mass a good bit, so pay attention if using wormholes)
- whether they increase or decrease time to warp depends on the lengthafterburner cycle length is reduced by the Afterburner skill
and increased by the Zor's Custom Navigation Link implant of their cycles, when they are activated relative to warp initiation, and the inertia modifier and mass of the hull
- for instance, if a battleship fit takes 13.1 seconds to align, turning an MWD or AB on & off immediately after warping will decrease its time to warp from 14time to warp is always rounded up to a whole second seconds to 10, 9, or 8
- by contrast, if one initiates warp in that same battleship then waits and activates an MWD/AB at ~60% of max velocity, time to warp will increase
- Higgs Anchor (rig slot, also dramatically increases mass, so pay attention if using wormholes)
- whether it increases or decreases time to warp depends on the mass & inertia modifier of the hull
These modules increase time to warp:
- armor plates (low slot, only if online, also increases mass a good bit, so pay attention if using wormholes)
This system effect increases time to warp:
- the Black Hole effect in certain J-Space (JS)Systems whose names all start with the letter J, accessible only via wormholes (2,603 total). systems increases the inertia of all ships inside, thereby increasing their time to warp