Syndicate is the only Gallente Green NS region without the Cloud Ring in it. Looks a bit like Placid, rotated and zoomed.

Outer Ring shows the full cosmic ring which gives Cloud Ring its name.

Cloud Ring shows a portion of its eponymous Ring, cut off at top and right, and Placid's nebula slightly shrunk beneath it.

Fade is, weirdly, gray/brown like Stain & co., but has the Branch/Deklein arm nebula sticking out to the top-right.

Deklein has a distinctive gray-blue color and bar nebula all the way across. A splotch from center to bottom (marked) distinguishes it from Branch.

Branch is nearly identical to Deklein; tilted clockwise a bit, and without the splotch beneath.

Tenal shows a portion of the dull yellow Jove nebula at top right; dead giveaway.

Venal has the Branch/Deklein nebula at its core but more tilted and faded.

Pure Blind is pure Caldari blue. Can be confused for Drone regions, but it's a bit duller & not as spindly.

Tribute is Caldari blue but it has a giveaway red splotch, bottom-left (marked).

Vale of the Silent has the same color as Venal but without the arm nebula. Brighter in the center, with a tiny giveaway red patch below-center (marked).

Geminate has a spindly gray arm at left and a red/orange/yellow nebula at right. The rightward nebula makes it look more like Angel regions than Northern ones.

The Kalevala Expanse has a distant but complete view of the blue Dronelands' electric blue nebula; a faint gray-brown arm reaches from center to top-left.

Perrigen Falls is like Outer Passage; differentiate it by noting that it has no bright blue under it and its arm (marked) starts below center rather than at right.

Oasa is like Cobalt Edge, but the Dronelands electric blue nebula is expanded to take up the entire left side; the brown bit is shrunk and darkened.

Cobalt Edge has the Dronelands electric blue nebula bottom-left and a brown blob top-right.

Outer Passage is like Perrigen Falls, but has a blue arm beneath it whereas PF has only gray beneath, and its arm (marked) starts to the right rather than below center.

Malpais is the closest (largest) view of the Dronelands' electric blue nebula, and the arm is barely visible, split between left and right, just above center.

Etherium Reach is like The Spire with reversed scaling; it's dominated by the red/orange/yellow nebula seen in Geminate at left. The blue nebula is reduced at right.

The Spire is Etherium Reach with its scaling reversed; the red/orange/yellow nebula is small & hourglass-shaped at left and the blue nebula's big at right.

Cache has a small bright reddish-yellow patch on the left and a brownish dusty patch shooting out to the right.

Great Wildlands has an extremely-distinctive & compact red hourglass nebula at center.

Scalding Pass is a yellow-red mass with a telltale bright white section at the top-right (marked).

Insmother has the yellow-red nebula to the left and the hourglass nebula at the top-right.

Wicked Creek has the yellow-red nebula on the right with dusty blue & gray to the left.

Curse has the yellow-red nebula above and a spindly nebula jutting out to the bottom-right.

Catch has an indistinct orange & brown smear to the left and a telltale small yellow/orange/white nebula to the right.

Providence is the most easily-identifiable NS region; it's the only NS nebula with that giveaway Amarr golden-yellow.

Detorid is like the left-right mirror image of Immensea and Impass; the southeast's electric blue-green juts to ~8:00 and reddish orange to ~2:00.

Immensea is opposite of Detorid; red to the left, blue-green to the right (and more or less level instead of canted).

Tenerifis is very distinctive; the southeast's blue-green is dulled here, and there's a telltale red splotch with tinges of yellow.

Omist is quite like Feythabolis; the southeast's blue-green spreads from center to between 8:00 and 10:00. A gray arm reaches from center to ~4:00.

Feythabolis is quite like Omist, but its blue-green at left points to between ~10:00 and ~11:00 and has red in its lower sections.

Impass is a mirror of Detorid. It's Immensea but turned counter-clockwise a bit & stretched; red to ~8:00 and reddish orange to ~1:00.

Stain has the darkest of the nebulae; some faint brownish dust.

Esoteria has Stain's faint dust with an arm jutting from center to bottom-left. Unlike Period Basis & Paragon soul, it's mostly black in its upper-left quadrant.

Paragon Soul is Stain's dust, but brighter and grayer to the bottom, darker & browner above. Telltale dark splotches distinctly point from center to ~7:00 (marked).

Period Basis is Paragon Soul but zoomed-in & brighter. The splotches are still there but they don't point to anything.

Querious is dusty and brown as well, but with a wide blue-gray expanse beneath and a telltale brightish-white patch jutting straight up from its center (marked).

Delve has the dustiness of Stain & company to the right and a giveaway white/yellow/orange streak shooting from center to bottom-left.

Fountain is distinctive; an orange nebula from center to lower-left and a gray/brown one from center to right.

Solitude has the only distinct red in the six Gallente regions; green from center to ~11:00, red from center to ~4:00.

Verge Vendor's the yellowest & spikiest of the six Gallente regions.

Everyshore has a distinctive greenish-gray section at bottom, shooting from center to between ~4:00 and ~7:00.

Sinq Laison has a black crab claw (top & bottom pincers of claw marked).

Essence is the only one of the six Gallente regions with Caldari blue at its top-right.

Placid is the most compact of the six Gallente regions; almost looks like it's bulging out from the center. A wee green arm points to ~9:00.

Black Rise has a telltale red spot (marked).

Lonetrek is by far the brightest blue of the Caldari regions, and pure.

The Citadel has what look like blue-white electric wings emerging from center to the left and right.

The Forge has a blueish-gray cone from center to top and a black inverted V from center to bottom.

Metropolis is Minmatar red; the whitish-yellow sphere-like bit at center distinguishes it from the two other Minmatar regions.

Heimatar is Minmatar red; the two bars pointing straight up from center distinguish it from the two other Minmatar regions.

Molden Heath is Minmatar red; the single bar pointing straight down distinguishes it from the two other Minmatar regions.

Derelik is like Devoid. Unlike Devoid, the brown clouds & voids above and below center look distinct rather than smeared out.

Devoid is like Derelik. Unlike Derelik, the brown clouds & voids above and below center are smeared out away from the center.

The Bleak Lands has two distinctive bright yellow-white cones projecting from center to top and bottom, split by orangey brown at center.

Domain has a telltale brown H in the center.

Tash-Murkon has faint but giveaway reddishness atop its yellowish-white core (marked).

Kador has a giveaway center; pitch black with an Amarr golden yellow square in it.

Kor-Azor is more brown than Amarr yellow, and is the only Amarr nebula with green.

Khanid is, like Kor-Azor, more brown than yellow. It has Esoteria's distinctive gray bar at center pointing to ~7:00.

Aridia has a cone of Amarr yellow from center to between ~2:00 and ~5:00, and brownish orange elsewhere. It has a telltale zoom-out effect.

Genesis has two cones that look like they're exploding from the center towards ~11:00 and ~4:00.

Pochven is a very unique red. The giant rock & ice structures on the grid (and the Show Info window) are dead giveaways, though.

C1 is mostly steely blue-gray with hints of purple. Maybe that's a pair of headphones ( ☊ ) in the center?

C2 has a telltale black spot shaped like a kidney bean.

C3 shows a giveaway red swirl.

C4's center is kinda like a yin-yang symbol; white & black (or very dark purple).

C5 has a bright white cloud emerging to the right from a pinkish-red cloud.

C6 is given away in the Show Info as "deadly unknown" space, but it's hard to mistake its orange-tinted red and compact white center.

Holes leading to Thera, C13s or Drifter holes are the dullest and dimmest of the JS holes; blue-gray overall and very dark from ~1:00 to ~6:00.


Black Rise




Cloud Ring

Cobalt Edge










Etherium Reach







Great Wildlands










Molden Heath



Outer Passage

Outer Ring

Paragon Soul

Period Basis

Perrigen Falls




Pure Blind


Scalding Pass

Sinq Laison







The Bleak Lands

The Citadel

The Forge

The Kalevala Expanse

The Spire


Vale of the Silent


Verge Vendor

Wicked Creek