How to use Drifter insta or "warp-to-zero" bookmarks with a fleet (with a couple video clip demonstrations):

  1. open your Local Locations by hitting the L key to bring up the Locations window, then expand the Locations in [current system] folder
  2. warp your fleet at zero to the bookmark with "insta" on the end
  3. set your default warp distance to 89,000 meters by right-clicking the Warp to Within button
  4. right-click the non-insta bookmark or the nearby wormhole or beacon and select Warp Fleet (Point)
  5. if there's an insta bookmark on the inside as well, repeat this process with the outhole
  6. immediately reset the default warp to within range to zero after you initiate the last modified fleet warp
  7. check that you did #6 (this can come back to bite you)
  8. ...
  9. you reset your default warp to within range back to zero, right? :)

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