How to use Drifter insta or "warp-to-zero" bookmarks with a fleet (with a couple video clip demonstrations):
- open your Local Locations by hitting the L key to bring up the Locations window, then expand the Locations in [current system] folder
- warp your fleet at zero to the bookmark with "insta" on the end
- set your default warp distance to 89,000 meters by right-clicking the Warp to Within button
- you can do this while in warp
- right-click the non-insta bookmark or the nearby wormhole or beacon and select Warp Fleet (Point)
- overview right-click menus don't reflect modified warp distances in the Warp Fleet (Point) option, but they are modified
- note: the insta bookmark may or may not be on-grid with the wormhole (this doesn't change the mechanics here, just clarifying)
- if there's an insta bookmark on the inside as well, repeat this process with the outhole
- immediately reset the default warp to within range to zero after you initiate the last modified fleet warp
- check that you did #6 (this can come back to bite you)
- ...
- you reset your default warp to within range back to zero, right? :)