IMPORTANT: drag your cloak and bomb launcher modules off the f-key row and away from frequently-clicked buttons & areas of the screen. Reduces the odds of decloak/awox fuckups.
Remember the ABC mantra: Always Be Cloaked. If you're not currently shooting at something, be cloaked. You just undocked and warped off? Cloak. You're gating somewhere? Cloak in warp! You just bridged into a mid and nobody has said anything yet? Starburst and cloak (i.e. burn away from the cyno and cloak on-grid). You were told to get off-grid? Warp to a celestial at range and cloak. Gotta go AFK? Let your friends know, warp off, and cloak.
Note: some FCs (dumbos) mean "warp off and cloak" when they say starburst, some (smarties) instead mean "burn away from the cyno and cloak on-grid". FCs with an excess of brain folds will explicitly specify what to do. Usually the situation will indicate what is appropriate, but if you're unsure, try to stay on-grid so you can catch warps.
If you're in an armor BLOPS fleet: offline your plates before bridging (if you're conduit jumping, keep them online).
Note: with the introduction of conduit jumps in June 2021, you no longer need to do anything to be conduit jumped by a BLOPs. If you're using a regular bridge, though, the procedure is explained below.
Setting up the Radial Menu to bridge (you can alternatively just use the right-click menu):
Hit Escape and open General settings. Change Open Radial Menu With and Radial Menu Delay to suit you (I use middle mouse button and zero delay):
Put your bridger in your Watchlist. When a bridge is called, open the Radial Menu on your bridger by clicking & holding the assigned button on their name. While holding the button down, move the cursor directly above the Radial Menu.
When the bridge goes up, the menu's top section will light up and the menu will read “Jump through to [system]". Release the button to take the bridge. If you’re not in jump range when the bridge goes up, use the Keep at Range option instead (1km is what you want, which should be the default) then use Jump once in range. Do not activate your propulsion module.
Quickly check jump ranges: moved here.
If you can be helpful: offer to bring hunters, Blockade Runners, bridging BLOPS, or extra DPS alts. Maybe you have dictor alts you could seed in useful spots. Nobody knows you can do these things unless you use your words. Ask your friends for fits and procedures!
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