Here's a quick overview of Drifter wormhole mechanics if you're unfamiliar.
Here's how to use insta bookmarks (if you're an FC).
These are in descending order of preference. Always use if Method 1 if it's viable and if not, try 2, etc. 4 & 5 are last resorts.
Have all brackets showing and warp to a uni. Imagine a straight line starting at the beacon running through the wormhole out into infinity (hereafter called the Line of Syzygy or LoS). Check for warpable objects on or near the LoS.
Note 1: wormholes have a 3 km radius and a 5 km jump range, so you can enter them from anywhere within a 16 km-wide sphere centered on their icons. Therefore, the zone containing all viable land-in-jump-range warpables for any given uni is a straight-sided cone projecting from the beacon through the wormhole. It's exactly 16km wide at the plane of the wormhole and ~5 km wide at the plane of the beacon (since the beacon has a radius of 1 and ships are landed randomly around it ~2,500 m away).
Note 2: warp-in spots for Unis are always exactly 89 km from the hole's center at a slight downward angle (14° outside, 26.5° in).
If there's a warpable on (or very near) the LoS, simply warp straight from it to the uni at 89 km and you'll land in jump range.
If your only warpable is not sufficiently-near the LoS to land you in jump range, warp to it and then back to the uni and save several bookmarks in rapid succession as you near the uni. You're looking to get one that's just offgrid, which is right around 12000 km (anything between there and ~15k is acceptable). Sometimes grids still get stretched and you need to go further, but this is rare.
Once you have a nearby offgrid bookmark, MWD from it toward the LoS. Once you've gone ~500 km, drop another bookmark, warp back to the hole and judge how far and in what direction you have yet to burn to line up your bookmark. Keep doing this (and use your best judgement as to how far to burn between checks) until you get a roughly straight line between beacon, wormhole and bookmark.
If no warpables are near the LoS, look out towards the edges of the system. If there are two warpables in front of the beacon and roughly on opposite sides of LoS, warp between them and drop bookmarks near the LoS. Then repeat the above fine-tuning steps. You want the bookmark as close to the LoS as you can get it, but you needn't be precious about it. You can also triangulate between three warpables.
Get something fast (e.g. a 10 km/s Punisher) and burn out along the LoS for ~25 minutes until you leave the grid.
Warning: you can be zapped by Drifters from 250 km. Also, be aware that Drifters chase you at 3.5 km/s and can then hang around on the grid for longer than normal, becoming a nuisance for those without the warp-to-jump-range bookmark.
Microjump to the hole. You can use an MMJU with any subcap or an MJD or boosh with a DST/BC/BS or CD.
You can simply microjump straight from the beacon then burn into jump range, but instead I suggest you take a minute or two and set up to microjump directly into the jump sphere of the wormhole. This only works if there's a warpable behind the Uni (i.e. oriented in such a way that a lengthened warp from it to the uni will land your ship further from, rather than closer to, the wormhole).
In a covert or instawarp ship, warp to something behind the beacon then warp from it to the uni at nonzero distances until you land 103-96 km from the wormhole (if you're not comfortable estimating ranges, you can drop a boomkark very close to the uni to avoid long warps back and forth). Then use your tested warpable & warp range to take your MJing ship to the uni, align, MJ, and enter the hole.
If you microjump to a wormhole from 105 to 89 km away (as per the overview), you'll land in jump range. Bear in mind:
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